Governor Gregoire Signs Legislation to Protect Veterans, Members of the Military from Discrimination

Press Release

Date: April 21, 2007
Location: Olympia, WA

Governor also takes action on a bill to protect the quality of canola and vegetable crops
Governor Gregoire today signed into law a measure that will amend the Washington Law Against Discrimination to prohibit discrimination based on veteran or military status.

"When our veterans come home, we should welcome them, thank them and do everything we can to help them readjust to life with their friends and family," said Governor Gregoire. "This bill is another way in which we are working to help veterans, to make their transition back home as easy as it can be."

Senate Bill 5123, sponsored by Sen. Steve Hobbs (D-Lake Stevens), passed the House with 90 votes and passed the Senate with 48 votes. The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the Legislative session.

Governor Gregoire Signs Bill to Protect Quality and Value of Canola and Vegetable Crops

Governor Chris Gregoire today signed into law a measure that encourages the development of new bio-fuel crops and farmers, while protecting our existing crops and farmers.

"The vegetable seed industry has been in Washington for over 100 years and production of canola for biofuels and bio-products is a new industry that could help reduce our dependence on foreign oil and improve farm income," said Governor Gregoire. "This bill allows canola and vegetable seed crops to co-exist, encouraging the development of new bio-fuel crops and farmers, while protecting our existing crops and farmers."

House Bill 1888, sponsored by Rep. Kelli Linville (D-Bellingham), passed the House with 97 votes and passed the Senate with 48 votes. The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the Legislative session.
